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Interface is the name of the core program of Simply Mobilizing that focuses on the development of missional churches. It seeks to answer the question, ‘What does a missional church’ or a ‘church on mission with God’, look like? 


Interface can fit into an existing denominational or church structure. It will simply enhance an existing model for greater emphasis on outreach and the participation of all God’s people on mission with God.



The purpose of INTERFACE is to help church leaders and their teams:

  • Guide their churches into becoming truly missional where God’s people can access pathways for nurture, equipping and being released into a life on mission with God.

  • Transition from the old paradigm that sees mission as a department of the church to being center and the defining purpose of the church.



The basic core beliefs of Interface are: 

  1. The Bible is a Story about God on Mission and God on Mission with His People. This central theme of mission flows through the Old Testament and seamlessly into the New Testament and down to the very end of this age. Mission is the theme from which all Biblical truths find their significance and complete God’s glorious story of the Bible. 

  2. All Believers are Called to Live a Life on Mission with God. The New Testament marked the inauguration of the ‘ministry of all believers’. The Holy Spirit was given to empower God’s people to be on mission with God and therefore living a life of mission with God must be understood to be normal Christian living. 

  3. Churches must Prepare God’s People for Works of Service (mission). Missional churches are defined by their vision and purpose of nurturing, equipping and releasing God’s people to be fruitfully engaged on mission with God. 

  4. Mission Today is to be Carried Out in the Context of a Globalized World. Mission must be understood to be holistic and include, reaching unreached peoples, evangelism and church planting and displaying Christ Kingdom through the transformed lives of God’s people in every-day life.



The Interface online seminar has seven sessions: 

  1. Session 0 – Introduction and Getting Acquainted 

  2. Session 1 – Mission, the Bible and the People of God 

  3. Session 2 – The Ministry of All Believers 

  4. Session 3 – Our History as ‘Movement’ 

  5. Session 4 – A Missional Church 

  6. Session 5 – What a Missional Church Might Look Like 

  7. Session 6 – Integration and Next Step 

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