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How is this course helpful for me as a Christian?
God’s mission to reach all peoples of the earth starts in Genesis and is the common thread all the way to Revelation. Kairos will help you take a fresh look at scripture and understand it, and all of history, from God’s perspective. It will call you to a truly biblical worldview, challenge you to embrace God’s vision, and equip you to find your place in God’s mission.


How is this course helpful for my church?
Kairos will help your church reorient its priorities, so that all elements – worship, service, evangelism, fellowship, etc – are biblically centered around God’s heart for the nations. It also challenges the common idea that God’s work is just for the clergy or paid professionals, helping transform your congregation from an audience to active partners in the Great Commission.


Is it just for missionaries?
No, Kairos is for all Christians at any point in their journey with God. It is not a missions course for missions people, but an opportunity for all God’s people to have their worldviews transformed and aligned with God’s heart for the nations. He has called us all to play a part in His mission, and there are many different roles to fill. Kairos wants to help you catch that vision and find your place.


How is Kairos different from other courses/curriculums?
Kairos is a part of the Perspectives Family and exists, not in competition, but in partnership with many resources and efforts that share a common vision of mobilizing and equipping Christians for participation in the Great Commission. However, Kairos offers a unique approach using an intentional combination of elements and a variety of learning styles (see Core Components) to make an impact at a heart level. It provides an environment for interaction and reflection and challenges you toward tangible, ongoing action steps.

Kairos is also built to reproduce and offers any course graduates the opportunity, with no titles or formal education required, to become facilitators, and potentially to lead the course and expand it to new locations themselves.


Where can I take the course?
Please see the course listing for when and where the Kairos course is being offered.

How much does it cost?
Standard U.S. Kairos course registration is $125, though discounts or subsidies may be offered in some cases.

For hosting a course, you’ll want to consider the course materials, the venue, and any necessary equipment, food, etc. Kairos facilitators are not paid to run the course, but if they are traveling to your location, we may ask that travel expenses be covered and housing provided.  Contact us if you are interested and we’ll work with you on a plan to launch Kairos in your area.


How can I facilitate a Kairos course?
Please see the Training Pathway to understand the process of becoming a Kairos Facilitator or Head Facilitator. 

Once trained you may be asked by a Head Facilitator in your region to join a facilitation team, or you can view available courses around the country and contact the appropriate HF yourself to see about joining. The regular courses run by Team Expansion in Louisville, KY have an open invitation for new Facilitators looking for experience to come and join their team.


How can I host a Kairos course?
If you would like to host a course at your church or in your area, you can contact us to see what possibilities might be available. There are facilitators across the country, and though Kairos is run essentially on a volunteer basis, some are available at certain times to travel to conduct courses. (See also How much does it cost?)

To see Kairos ongoing in your area, you’ll want to build your own team of at least one Head Facilitator and several Facilitators (see Training Pathways). A great way to start is for one or more from your area to attend a course and be trained as Facilitators. You’ll then have Facilitators already in place if you were to bring in others for an initial course launch, and you’d be on your way to having your established team in place.


How many people does it take to have a course?
To preserve the most beneficial dynamic, a course should have a minimum of 8-10 participants and a maximum of 25.


What different formats are offered?
The Kairos course is presented in several different formats. See the Format section for common formats or the course listing for options being offered. In addition, Kairos allows for flexibility and a suitable format may be created for a certain context.

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